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Texas MLPs

The Coalition is made up of the respective representatives of Texas MLPs and support organizations, and affiliate independent members. The following includes a non-comprehensive list of known Texas MLPs. The inclusion or lack thereof of an MLP does not indicate the active member status of each organization within the Coalition.

Cook Children’s MLP


Cook Children’s Medical Center,
Texas A&M University School of Law



HOPE Clinic,

Texas Legal Services Center

Kind MLP


Texas Health Action,

Texas Legal Services Center

People’s MLP


People’s Community Clinic,

Texas Legal Services Center

Tarrant County MLP


Children’s Health, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Legal Aid of Northwest Texas

Texas Children’s MLP


Texas Children's Hospital,

Houston Volunteer Lawyers

TRLA MLP Brownsville


Brownsville Community Health Center,

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid



Centro San Vincente, El Paso Children's Hospital, University Medical Center of El Paso,

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid

TRLA MLP San Antonio


Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (previously UTH Pediatrics),

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid

UT Physicians / Lone Star Legal Aid MLPs


Lone Star Circle of Care, Lone Star Legal Aid,

UT Physicians (at Southwest, Victory, Sickle Cell Center, TMC, Jensen, Lone Star Circle of Care)

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